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You will be introduced to formal classes after an introductory program,
which may consist of individual or small group sessions with beginners.

The introductory program is important for both student and instructor.
The sessions allow the student to become comfortable with the
instructor's teaching methods, familiarize himself or herself with proper protocol,
and to develop at his or her own pace physically.

The instructor has the opportunity to get to know the student's
strengths and weaknesses and decide on the best approach
for progressive development of the individual.

You should expect the beginning lessons to be somewhat difficult
since you will be learning something new and more fulfilling than a sport.
  Be confident; we will go at your own pace.

Classes are very disciplined and we follow the traditional
rules of protocol - this develops character.  We welcome you to come and
watch a formal class so you can get an overview of our program.

Give yourself and your family the opportunity for a lifetime
of physical fitness, mental health and self-confidence. 

Contact webmaster.